Theatre Adults Weekly Classes

Artemysia Théâtre Open Day - Adults

Whether you aspire to get on stage for the first time or you want to refine your existing skills, do not miss this opportunity to unleash your creativity and to dive into the fascinating world of Theater with Artemysia asbl: the multicultural theater in Luxembourg.

We use Theatre Training as a form of personal development and a source of fun.


Join our Open Session to express yourself and to learn new skills.

Our Multicultural Theatre classes are open to everybody

Let's play together!

Date: Thursday February the 6th, 2025


Time: from 19 to 21h

Location: Cercle de Coopération des ONGD, 1-7 rue Saint-Ulric, L-2651, Grund

For info & Subscriptions[email protected], 661448824 (Raffaella)

Nützliche Informationen


Cercle de Coopération des ONGD du Luxembourg
1 Rue St Ulric


General admission 25 €


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