Only Lovers Left Alive (Jim Jarmusch)
Only Lovers Left Alive (Jim Jarmusch)
Jim Jarmusch / Saturday Night Fever
Only Lovers Left Alive .
USA 2013 | Jim Jarmusch | vo | 123’ | digital | Cast : Tilda Swinton, Tom Hiddleston, Mia Wasikowska, John Hurt, Anton Yelchin | 12+
► Compétition, Festival de Cannes 2013
Adam, a vampire, is depressed after seeing society plummet to the bottom. Eve, his lover of centuries past, comes to his rescue. But their relationship is tested with the arrival of Ava, Eve's sister.
« If it is an exercise in style … well, what style. With its retro-chic connoisseurship and analogue era rock, this is a brilliant haute-hippy homage. » (The Guardian)
Nützliche Informationen
Samstag 11.01.2025
- 22H30
Tarif plein | 3.7 € |
Tarif réduit | 2.4 € |
Kulturpass | 1.5 € |
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