Only Lovers Left Alive (Jim Jarmusch)
Only Lovers Left Alive (Jim Jarmusch)
Only Lovers Left Alive
USA 2013 | Jim Jarmusch | vo | 123’ | digital | Cast : Tilda Swinton, Tom Hiddleston, Mia Wasikowska, John Hurt, Anton Yelchin | 12+
► Compétition, Festival de Cannes 2013
Artistic, sophisticated and centuries old, two vampire lovers ponder their ultimate place in modern society.
« If Jim Jarmusch’s languorous, laconic style isn’t your bag, his stone-faced vampire comedy won’t make you a believer. Those who’ve already been bitten, however, will swoon like the film’s toothy leads whenever their lips touch neck juice. » (Time Out)
« Legendary hipster filmmaker Jim Jarmusch’s wryly funny exercise in genre bending hits so many grace notes it ends up being his most satisfying film in years. » (New York Post)
Nützliche Informationen
Mittwoch 19.02.2025
- 20H00
Tarif plein | 3.7 € |
Tarif réduit | 2.4 € |
Kulturpass | 1.5 € |
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