Focus Flexi Theatre

Focus Flexi Theatre Workshop

 MAX 6 participants – interview & motivational letter required

We will be working on scenes and materials revolving around the topic of “Resilient Woman”: from Shakespeare to Garcia Lorca, from poetry to chronicles of our contemporary life, the aim being to build a performance that will be presented to the public Saturday the 8th of March 2025

When: 1 Wednesday evening + 1 Saturday (from 11 to 13h) x Month + 4 additional hours *

*Following participants preferences (to be scheduled on the first meeting)

Classes schedule19/10 (Saturday), 23/10 (Wednesday), 9/11 (Saturday), 13/11 (Wednesday).

Where: Atelier Belair, 31, rue Wurth Paquet 2737 – Luxembourg ville

Pricing: 150 euro

Languages: English


Call us for an interview. We can’t wait for… “Playing together”!

For further details and subscription contact: 


[email protected] – Tel +352 661448824

Artemysia Theatre: the multicultural Theatre classes, for the 6th season in Luxembourg!

You can also find all the info (and the subscription Form*) in our Internet site:

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