Stop Demolition – Boost Renovation

The citizens’ initiative HouseEurope! is calling for a right to re-use for the built environment. Join the kick-off event with architect Arno Brandlhuber on 12th February at Tramsschapp in Luxembourg-City.


  • Location : Tramsschapp (Luxembourg City) 
  • Language : EN, DE

— 18h30 Talk with Arno Brandlhuber (de/eng)

  • Introduction by Prof. Florian Hertweck (University of Luxembourg)
  • Talk with Prof. Arno Brandhuber (ETH Zurich, Architect and co-initiator of HouseEurope !) : Renovation instead of demolition
  • How relevant is renovation instead of demolition in cultural, ecological, and social terms?
  • What impact does it have on architecture, its users, and the public?
  • What has to be done to boost renovation?

— 19h00 "The Demolition Drama" (eng)

Excerpts from the film supporting the initiative

— 19h15 Roundtable (de/eng)

with Arno Brandlhuber and Florian Hertweck :

  • Lee Franck, Carbon and Circularity Consultant, LEEN
  • Thecla Kisch, Ecological Building Consultant, Oekozenter Pafendall
  • Philippe Nathan, Architect, 2001
  • Paul Ewen, Letzebuerger Denkmalschutz Federatioun
  • .
  • Bruno Renders, Directeur General DCEC / IFSB
  • Blanche Weber, President Mouvement Ecologique
  • From

— 20h15 Patt


Nützliche Informationen


Centre Culturel Tramsschapp
49 rue Ermesinde


Stop Demolition – Boost Renovation in Bildern

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