Initiating a Cooperative

The Kooperative Grossstadt eG was founded in 2015 by 16 people who, from a critical position on the conditions and results of Munich's housing construction, were united in the aim of “doing it better”: each KOOGRO project should contribute to a networked and lively neighbourhood, focus on ambitious architecture, implement communal and solidarity-based forms of living, and achieve sustainable standards in housing.

Since then, the cooperative has realized two residential projects — San Riemo and Freihampton — and two more projects are currently in planning.


What were the specific framework conditions and basis for the emergence of this new player in the Munich housing market?



This lecture is organised by LUCA as part of the ‘Our New Housing – An Invitation to Cooperate’ exhibition.

Nützliche Informationen


luca – Luxembourg Center for Architecture
1 rue de la Tour Jacob
L-1831 Luxembourg


19.03.25 Initiating a Cooperative 0 €


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