Strung Out + Belvedere

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Strung Out are a long-running California band whose sound over the years has traversed skate punk, metal, and melodic hardcore. Debuting with a mixture of punk speed and metal guitar power, they were mainstays of the punk circuit for decades, playing hardcore anthems with anti-authority attitude.

In 2024 Strung Out released the 10th album of their remarkable 35-year career, Dead Rebellion. As all Strung Out albums have been, it is a reaction to the world at large in that it has captured the zeitgeist and the self-destructive political climate, especially in the USA, perfectly.

As for Canadian skate-punk legends Belvedere, they barely need an introduction. They are heroes of fast, furious, melodic punk, who’ve never lost sight of their roots. Formed in 1995 and originally never even meant to play a live show, the trailblazing band from Calgary, Alberta quickly grew a reputation on the underground punk scene for their blazing fast speed and melodic vocals.

Nützliche Informationen


3 Place des Rotondes
L-2448 Luxembourg


Strung Out + Belvedere 28 €


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