Young Filmmakers Competition (British & Irish Film Festival)

Young Filmmakers Competition : screening & awards From


Duration: about 90’



The first edition of the Young Filmmakers Competition saw 11 entries from 7 schools throughout the Grand Duchy. Since last September's launch of the 2024/25 edition, the organisers have presented the competition to secondary students who are interested in harnessing their creativity and developing film projects, whether by writing scripts or being involved in a technical or artistic way. In their deliberations, the jury prioritizes the art of storytelling, the technical execution and the creative presentation in front of the lens. The films can be of any genre but must be between 2-5 minutes in duration. 

Nützliche Informationen


Cinémathèque de la Ville de Luxembourg
17 Place du Théâtre
L-2613 Luxembourg


Tarif plein 3.7 €
Tarif réduit 2.4 €
Kulturpass 1.5 €


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