

An accidental discovery in an Athenian hospital reveals a personal and collective trauma about hundreds of patients who died from tuberculosis between 1945 and 1975 and were buried unnamed in mass graves on the hospital grounds. Eighty years later, their controversial story comes to light through their personal belongings and the search for living relatives.

Audience Award 2024 at the Thessaloniki International Documentary Festival


Trailer   Unclaimed, UNCLAIMED_TRAILER_30MBPS on Vimeo


‘Unclaimed’: Giving voice to the disappeared tuberculosis victims | eKathimerini.com

Thessaloniki Int’l Comp: Unclaimed by Marianna Economou - Business Doc Europe


A few words about the director

Marianna Economou is a Greek documentary filmmaker based in Athens. After her studies in Anthropology (UCL) and Photojournalism (LCP), she worked for a few years as a film researcher and photographer in Greece and England. She is a founding member of Doc3 productions.

From ECHO.lu

Nützliche Informationen


Ciné Utopia
16 Avenue de la Faiencerie
L-1510 Luxembourg


Standard (for non-members) 12 €
Reduced (for members) 6 €


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