Chouette, un jeu d’enfants ! (LUXFILMFEST)

From STROUVEN, Thomas LECLERCQ, Morgane SIMON, Frits STANDAERT, 38 min, - Belgien, Frankreich
Whether they are on the beach, on drifting ice, or on the shore of a pond, children just want to play. To do so with utmost seriousness or lightness, they need to have accomplices with whom they can share their fantasies and roleplaying. Exploring the Earth through mysterious tunnels, saving a sea monster, or even standing up to a very powerful and very bad genie: nothing is impossible for young players, and marvel shall be on time when playtime calls! LE TUNNEL DE LA NUIT / BY ANNECHIEN STROUVEN, FR, BE, 2024 — 9’ LE MONSTRE MARIN / BY FRITS STANDAERT, FR, BE, 2024 — 9’ LE GÉNIE DANS LA BOUTEILLE / BY THOMAS LECLERCQ, FR, BE, 2024 — 9’ LA CARPE ET L’ENFANT / BY MORGANE SIMON, ARNAUD DEMUYNCK, FR, BE, 2024 — 7’ Accessible from 4 years and over

Nützliche Informationen


Ciné Utopia
16 Avenue de la Faiencerie
L-1510 Luxembourg


Adulte 7 €
Enfants de moins de 18 ans 5 €


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