A Report on the Party and Guests (The Life of the Party)

A Report on the Party and Guests 

O slavnosti a hostech Tchécoslovaquie 1966 | Jan Nemec | vostEN | 70’ | digital | Cast : Helena Pejsková, Jana Pracharová, Zdena Skvorecka

> New York Film Festival 1968, Festival de Cannes 1968


A small group of bourgeois guests head for a birthday party of a prominent figure. As they go through the woods and have a picnic, they are suddenly surrounded by a bunch of suspicious strangers.


« One of many fascinating examples of how filmmakers of the Czechoslovak New Wave used their art to criticise the regime. As with many of its contemporaries, the film was eventually “banned forever”. Like all the best satire, it is specifically about one thing, yet universal enough to have something to say about modern society, too.» (Czech Movie Reviews)

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Cinémathèque de la Ville de Luxembourg


Tarif plein 3.7 €
Tarif réduit 2.4 €
Kulturpass 1.5 €


A Report on the Party and Guests (The Life of the Party) in Bildern

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