
Support: gglum

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Mixing the personal with romanticised ideals in ways that are simultaneously heart-wrenching and humorous to a dead-pan effect, there is no one trajectory for South London-based trio Honeyglaze, whose greatest ability is finding ways to present what’s written in-between the lines, in moments of beautifully well-versed clarity.

After taking the industry by storm with the release of their self-title debut album in 2022, Honeyglaze are back with a new record, Real Deal, meant as a translation of white knuckles, grinding teeth and fingernails bitten raw. Honeyglaze confront it all, digging their fingernails under the scabs. Confrontation and confidence; intensity and catharsis – these are the hard-earned rewards of a band who are ready to reintroduce themselves.


English Teacher, Lime Garden, Francis of Delirium

gglum. is the moniker of London-born songwriter Ella Smoker. Raised on everything from rockabilly and soul to MTV-era emo, she was drawn to music that offered a sense of safety, a feeling of being held within the layers of detailed instrumentation. After showing her stripped back dreamy bedroom pop sensibilities on her self-released debut single “Why Don’t I Care?” in 2020, gglum continued to develop her sound by creating a string of singles that explored a more underground R&B sound with two constants: her hypnotically smooth voice and her honest, relatable lyrics.

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3 place des Rotondes


Honeyglaze 14 €


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