

Tour of the former fashion shops in Luxembourg - In the frame of the Put it on! Le Luxembourg s'habille exhibition

Tour of the former fashion shops in Luxembourg - In the frame of the Put it on! Le Luxembourg s'habille exhibition

As part of the exhibition Put it on! Le Luxembourg s’habille by the Luxembourg City Photothèque, historian Dr. Robert L. Philippart will take visitors on a tour of the locations and stories of the former major fashion shops in the upper town.

Departure point: Exhibition Put it on! Le Luxembourg s’habilleRatskeller, rue du Curé ; Arrival point: Casino Forum d'Art Contemporain

Organisation: Photothèque de la Ville de Luxembourg

Registration: [email protected]

04.08: in Luxembourgish - FULL / 14.09: in French

Nützliche Informationen


Cercle Cité
2 Place d'Armes / rue Genistre


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