Following the open call 'Send Your Dog Pic', where Chantal Maquet asked the public to send her pics of their dog(s), she proceeded to drawing and painting them for this exhibition.

#BFF shows our dear companions with the prominent style of Chantal Maquet. Her powerful colors portray the dogs in the exact positions they were on the pictures that were sent.

Chantal Maquet is a multidisciplinary artist with a focus on drawing and painting, born in 1982 in Luxembourg. She currently lives and works in Hamburg.

The starting point of her artistic work are reflections on female role clichés and their breaking through. She examines individual and collective behavioral patterns that shape social dynamics. In her figurative works, the colors are detached from real references. Unexpected color combinations underline moods and change the atmosphere of the depicted scenes. The distrust of first impressions is reinforced by the poetic frame set by the titles of the works. In her exhibitions, Chantal Maquet combines painting with video works and interactive sound installations.

Nützliche Informationen


Reuter Bausch Art Gallery
14 rue Notre Dame
2240 Luxembourg


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