Shakespeare's Villains

These characters are predecessors of the great villains of history: Saddam Hussein, Adolf Hitler and their their local theater critics! They live to torment you by dipping their needle into their acid bath of frustration to then tattoo it across your back. In the process, they are desperate for love, but no one can love a villain because they are incapable of giving love themselves.
But - what is a good substitute for love? Power! Power is the great aphrodisiac. So if Richard doesn't make your heart beat faster with love, he will make your heart beat faster out of fear like there's no tomorrow.
As long as it beats for him, it's okay.

Nützliche Informationen


Grand Théâtre de la Ville de Luxembourg
1 Rond-point Schuman


Adultes 20 €
Jeunes 8 €


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