Panel Discussion

- 1 year Rainbow Center Luxembourg-

Panel discussion: “Can we bridge the generation gap within the LGBTQIA+ community?”

“The old don’t listen and the young know it all” - stereotypes about different generations exist and they also do in the LGBTQIA+ community.

While this “community” is often referred to as “family” or a close-knit group of support, research suggests differently considering differences between generations:

More than 60 percent of LGBTQ elders report feeling an isolating lack of companionship; two in five feel disconnected from the younger LGBTQ community.

Join us for a dynamic panel discussion on the generation gap within the LGBTQIA+ community, featuring diverse voices from different age groups on our panel on IDAHOBIT, 17th of May, 7 pm. Our aim is to foster understanding and empathy by highlighting the varied experiences and perspectives within the LGBTQIA+ community. Through discussion but also dialogue and listening, we aspire to bridge divides and pave the way to be able to work towards greater understanding, solidarity, and collaboration in the future. Come join us on Friday, 17th of May, 7pm at the Rainbow Center and participate in our interactive panel- everyone in the audience will be able to make their voice heard as well.

The discussion will be held in English.

Simultaneous interpretation will be available in French.

Nützliche Informationen


Rainbow Center - Zentrum fir queer Kultur
19 Rue St. Esprit


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