Congés Annulés Opening Night

With: Billy Nomates + Mujeres + Sheebaba + Sh’napan (DJ set) + Kuston Beater (DJ set)

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If there’s one question that informs Tor Maries writing as Billy Nomates more than any other it’s this: whose voice isn’t in the room? A beacon of brutal truth in an industry built on inconsequential bullshit, the Bristol-based singer-songwriter gives voice to the silenced, the disillusioned, the broken-hearted, and the burnt-out, assembling brilliantly biting dispatches from the fringes of a society mired in austerity, inequality and insularity. Or, as Maries puts it, with trademark bluntness, “There’s too much music in the world already, so everything I make has to count.” “Make everything count” might just as well serve as Maries’ creative mantra. From the impactful imagery powering her soulful and bleakly humorous songwriting, to the economy of sound she achieves with her defiantly DIY approach, there’s not a superfluous detail in the entirety of Maries’ output as Billy Nomates so far.


"Somos 3 tipos con instrumentos. Hacemos música vieja con zapatos nuevos"


Mainz-based duo Sheebaba describe themselves as noise, poetry and drum loops, genre-bending, art rock, dark wave, experimental, goth, industrial, fuzzy and glitchy, conceptual, performative, colours of the rainbow, against hate. “Full stop”, they say. But you’ll see that they’re even much more than that.

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3 place des Rotondes


Congés Annulés Opening Night 5 €


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