A native of New York City, Belinda brings serious Big Apple flavour to the stage and manages to be a near-impossible balance of hilarious, kind and badass all simultaneously.

Belinda has a serious knack for turning hardship into humour, and her comedy weaves seamlessly through topics ranging from teenage pregnancy and dog ownership, to cougar-hood and funerals.

Finalist of Pragues Funniest 2023 and current finalist on TV humor competition, iUmor, Belinda has performed in NYC, Tampa, London, Brighton, Prague, Barcelona, Madrid, Berlin, Dubai, Amsterdam, Paris, Zurich and Basel and has opened for big-name comedians like Michelle Wolf, April Macie, and Vir Das.

Nützliche Informationen


Carlitos Comedy Club
65 Rue du Fort Neipperg
L-2230 Luxembourg


Super Early Bird 13.1 €


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