Write, edit & perform sketch comedy

Ever wanted to write and perform your own comedy sketches? Obsessed with Saturday Night Live? Looking for an introduction into scriptwriting?

This two-day workshop teaches the fundamentals of sketch writing, editing, and performance. Whether you're a beginner or already dabbling in comedy, this class will help you develop your ideas into fully formed sketches.

Participation costs €50 for the first session and €80 for both sessions. Participation is by advance registration only. Click here to book your place.

Day 1 – Writing & Idea Generation

**Saturday 26 April, 14:00-17:00**

  • Learn the basics of sketch comedy: what makes a great sketch?
  • Explore different types of sketches and comedic structures
  • Brainstorm and develop original sketch ideas
  • Take-home assignment: write a short sketch based on what you’ve learned

Day 2 – Editing & Performance

**Sunday 27 April, 10:00-13:00**

  • Read through scripts and receive constructive feedback
  • Learn how to sharpen your sketches through editing
  • Discover performance and staging techniques
  • Workshop your sketches for maximum comedic impact

From ECHO.lu

Do I need to attend both days?

The first day of the class will teach you the basics of writing sketches, and the second day will be focused on giving feedback and learning to polish and improve the joke structure of your sketches. It is possible to only attend Day 1 of the workshop, and then email your sketches for feedback at a later time.

Who should join?

This workshop is for anyone identifying as a feminist regardless of gender, who enjoys comedy, writing, or performing.

No prior experience is necessary. Whether you want to turn funny ideas into structured sketches or are curious about how sketch comedy works, this class will give you the tools to get started.

About the instructor

Emily Higginson is standup comedian and sketch performer at Boom Chicago. She has written and performed sketches at theatres in Amsterdam, Germany, and the UK, and is currently touring her two-woman show Mouthy Broads across Europe. Emily has experience teaching sketch and standup workshops throughout Amsterdam and Belgium.


This event is organised in collaboration with Festrogen Festival, a platform that aims to inspire and support women in comedy while levelling the playing field for performers from under-represented groups.

Sign up now and start your journey into sketch comedy.

Scholarship places

We offer a small number of free places on our workshops for people on low incomes. If you are interested in applying for a scholarship place, please send an email to [email protected] outlining how a scholarship would help you.

Useful information


Rainbow Center - Zentrum fir queer Kultur
19 Rue St. Esprit


1 session only 50 €
2 sessions 80 €


Content provided by Echo.lu – Content non-binding and subject to change.
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