Children of Heaven (Afternoon Adventures)

Children of Heaven .

Bacheha-Ye aseman Iran 1997 | Majid Majidi | vostEN | 88’ | 35mm | Cast : Reza Naji, Amir Farrokh Hashemian, Bahare Seddiqi | EA ► Nominee Best Foreign Language Film, Oscars 1999

Recommandé à partir de 9 ans


When young Ali accidentally loses the only pair of shoes his little sister Zahra owns, the siblings attempt to hide the bad news from their poverty-stricken father and ill mother. They devise a scheme to share Ali's own pair of worn sneakers until they can find a new pair of shoes for Zahra.


« This is a pellucid and gentle film, made with the simplicity and grace of a children's tale and yet its humour, emotional clarity and directness speak directly to adults and children alike - and the pre-teen principals shoulder an adult burden of performance. » (The Guardian)



« Children of Heaven is about a home without unhappiness. About a brother and sister who love one another, instead of fighting. About situations any child can identify with. It is very nearly a perfect movie for children, and of course that means adults will like it, too. » (Roger Ebert)

Useful information


Cinémathèque de la Ville de Luxembourg
17 Place du Théâtre
L-2613 Luxembourg


Tarif plein 3.7 €
Tarif réduit 2.4 €
Kulturpass 1.5 €


Children of Heaven (Afternoon Adventures) in pictures

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