Allez Hëpp Hopp Hopp! (LUXFILMFEST)

Caroline ORIGER, 85 min, - Luxembourg, United Kingdom, France, Belgium
Holly is a young hedgehog, an orphan who lives with her overprotective brother. Walter is a rabbit, an exhausted father in a mid-life crisis. Both dream of escaping their lives: Holly craves excitement, and Walter wants a break. When Holly is hunted by a menacing cat and Walter suffers from amnesia after an accident, they embark on a surprising adventure that leads them both to discover that there is no place like home. This heartwarming story of an unlikely friendship between a rabbit and a hedgehog is an engaging family-friendly adventure. With whimsical animations that bring to life a vibrant hidden world and with a plot full of unexpected turns, this is a delightful experience for viewers of all ages..From

Useful information


Ciné Utopia
16 Avenue de la Faiencerie
L-1510 Luxembourg


Adulte 7 €
Enfants de moins de 18 ans 5 €


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