Shoah Memorial Trail in Luxembourg City

Shoah Memorial Trail in Luxembourg City

Shoah Memorial Trail in Luxembourg City

Let us not forget the Shoah victims!

The two-hour Shoah Memorial Trail in Luxembourg City offers an insight into the wiping out of Jewish life in Luxembourg by Nazi Germany.

The non-profit association MemoShoah Luxembourg initiated this memorial trail so that the fate of the approximately 4000 Jews who lived here on the day of the German invasion will be remembered. The path leads past well-known and lesser-known places that played a key role in Luxembourg with regard to the Shoah.

The trail starts at the main railway station in Luxembourg City, where a total of seven deportation trains deported 658 Jews to various ghettos and extermination camps from 1941 onwards, and ends at the Kaddish Monument, which commemorates the fate of the Jews living here who fell victim to the anti-Semitic persecution and extermination policies of the Nazi occupying power. Around 1200 of the original 4000 Jewish residents of Luxembourg did not survive the Shoah; about 130 lost their lives in the resistance struggle against Nazi Germany in France and Belgium. Despite this, it was not until 2016 that Jews were recognised as a group of Luxembourgish victims of the Nazi regime, alongside the two well-established groups: the victims of forced recruitment in the German armed forces and the victims of the anti-Nazi resistance struggle. 

Points of interest on the map

Points of interest

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			"text": "<p>Of the almost 4000 Jewish residents of Luxembourg at the beginning of the war, only about 60 were still living in Luxembourg in so-called “mixed marriages” at the end of the war. On 10 May 1940, the day of the German invasion, several hundred Jewish families had already fled to France and Belgium. When the racial laws and other anti-Jewish measures were introduced in September 1940, there were still about 1800 Jewish people living in Luxembourg. That is when the emigrations and, from 16 October 1941, the deportations to the East, namely to the concentration and extermination camps began. A total of 658 persons of Jewish origin were deported directly from Luxembourg to the East. 44 of them survived the Shoah, which corresponds to a survival rate of 7%.</p><p>The first deportation took place on 16 and 17 October 1941. A total of 323 Jewish persons were deported to the Litzmannstadt ghetto in the course of this first deportation. The deportees had to pay for the ticket to Litzmannstadt (the Polish city of Lodz, renamed by Hitler) with their own money. The Gestapo held the Jewish consistory responsible for the punctual arrival at the main station. The consistory thus paid for buses to take the deportees to the main station. The area there was largely cordoned off by the Gestapo. According to the latest findings, 190 Jewish people from the Trier-Bernkastel area were brought to Luxembourg and joined the Luxembourg group. After 14 hours of waiting, the third-class train left the station on 17 October at about 1 a.m. It reached Litzmannstadt the following day with 513 people aboard at 2.30 p.m. Of the 323 deportees from Luxembourg, only 11 survived the Shoah.</p><p>The second deportation to Izbica near Lublin in occupied Poland took place on 23 April 1942. The deportees were first taken to Trier and then to Stuttgart, where they became part of a larger transport. The Luxembourg deportees reached Izbica on 29 April 1942, and were most likely taken to the Sobibor extermination camp in mid-May 1942. None of these 24 deportees survived the Shoah.</p><p>The third deportation followed on 12 July 1942. Another 24 Jewish deportees were probably transported via Chemnitz to the Auschwitz-Birkenau extermination camp. None of them survived.</p><p>The fourth deportation took place two weeks later on 26 July 1942. The 24 Jewish deportees were first taken to Trier, then to Cologne and finally to Theresienstadt. Of the 24 deportees, two women survived.</p><p>The fifth and second largest of the seven deportations to the East took place on 28 July 1942, only two days after the fourth deportation. The train started at the so-called \"Jewish old people's home\" in Fünfbrunnen in the north of Luxembourg with a total of 77 elderly people. In Luxembourg City, the remaining deportees joined them. Among them were 27 seriously ill people from various hospitals and five inmates from the sanatorium in Ettelbrück. The train consisted of cattle cars, which were equipped with mattresses, straw and blankets. Among the deportees was the then 80-year-old painter Guido Oppenheim. The train reached the Theresienstadt ghetto on 30 July 1942. Of the 156 people deported, only 9 survived the Shoah. Of the 147 victims, 73 died in Theresienstadt, the rest were deported to extermination camps.</p><p>The sixth deportation took place on 6 and 7 April 1943 from Luxembourg to Theresienstadt. The deportees were crammed into five freight cars at the Fünfbrunnen collection camp. The elderly and sick had to be carried into the freight cars. The transport reached the Theresienstadt ghetto after an odyssey of three days and four nights. It is said that several people were already dead on arrival. With this transport, Fünfbrunnen was de facto disbanded. Of the 97 deportees, a total of 20 survived.</p><p>The seventh and last deportation took place on 17 June 1943 from Luxembourg to Theresienstadt and partly to Auschwitz-Birkenau via Berlin. Of the 10 deportees, only two survived.</p><p>In total, it is estimated that more than 1300 Jewish victims who were living in the Grand Duchy at the time of the German invasion were murdered by the Nazi regime. Those who were not deported from Luxembourg were in many cases picked up by local police and German occupying forces in France and Belgium and deported from there to extermination camps.</p>",
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			"text": "<p>At the beginning of the 1940/41 school year, all schools in the country were required to draw up lists of names of Jewish pupils. From 1 November 1940, Jewish pupils were excluded from the public schools. However, the Chief of the Civil Administration ordered compulsory education for Jewish children aged 6-16 in Jewish schools. Due to a shortage of teaching staff, the consistory of the Jewish Community of Luxembourg was only able to found and operate one such school. It was located at Petrusring 74 (today 72, Boulevard de la Pétrusse), a building which was used as a cultural centre and prayer place by Jewish immigrants from the East during the 1930s.&nbsp;Three classrooms were set up here. Initially, 80 to 100 pupils between the ages of 6 and 14 attended the Jewish school. They were taught in mixed two-year classes. The children's everyday life was marked by a high fluctuation of the school population, due to expulsions, emigration and flights. The school's resources were scarce: lack of teachers, lack of materials and bureaucratic hurdles made learning conditions difficult. Since the anti-Jewish measures forbade Jews to enter public places, streets and roads between 7 p.m. and 7 a.m., the consistory had to apply for exemption permits so that both teachers and pupils were able to reach school on time. The school's curriculum is noteworthy: unlike the public schools in Luxembourg, where French lessons were forbidden, French was taught here from grade 3 and English from grade 6. This exceptional permission was granted because it was thought that Jews had to leave Luxembourg anyhow.</p><p>The school was run by the physicist, mathematician and teacher Dr Ernst Ising. Ising had fled from Caputh near Potsdam, where he had run a school for Jewish students who had been excluded from public schools by the Nazi regime. He came to Luxembourg after the events of the Night of Broken Glass on 9 November 1938. As a mixed marriage partner, he survived the Shoah.</p><p>On 6 October 1941, the Jewish school closed after only 10 months because most pupils and several teachers were deported with the first transport to the Litzmannstadt ghetto on 16/17 October 1941. Among the 323 deportees were the teachers Hugo Friedmann, Bernard Herrmann and Lily Gelber. Only 11 of these 323 deportees survived the Shoah. After this first deportation, only about 12 former pupils of the Jewish school remained in Luxembourg, who were still taught by the teacher and headmaster Dr Ernst Ising at Petrusring 74. From August 1942, Ising taught the last three children in the so-called Jewish old people's&nbsp;home in Fünfbrunnen in the north of Luxembourg.</p>",
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1. Central Station - Deportations

1. Central Station - Deportations

Of the almost 4000 Jewish residents of Luxembourg at the beginning of the war, only about 60 were still living in Luxembourg in so-called “mixed marriages” at the end of the war. On 10 May 1940, the d...

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2. Former seat of the Nazi civil administration of Luxembourg (1940-1944)

2. Former seat of the Nazi civil administration of Luxembourg (1940-1944)

After the invasion of German troops on 10 May 1940, Luxembourg was initially placed under German military administration, which was replaced by a German civil administration in July 1940. On 21 July 1...

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3. Former jewish school

3. Former jewish school

At the beginning of the 1940/41 school year, all schools in the country were required to draw up lists of names of Jewish pupils. From 1 November 1940, Jewish pupils were excluded from the public scho...

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4. Villa Pauly - former Gestapo headquarters (1940-1944)

4. Villa Pauly - former Gestapo headquarters (1940-1944)

Villa Pauly was built in 1923 by the Luxembourg surgeon Dr Norbert Pauly and served as his home and medical practice. When the German troops occupied Luxembourg on 10 May 1940, Dr Pauly was on holiday...

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5. Old Synagogue

5. Old Synagogue

Luxembourg's first synagogue since expulsions of Jews in past centuries was inaugurated in 1823 and was located near the "Kaddish" Shoah memorial, inaugurated in 2018. It was replaced by the much...

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6. Albert Nussbaum: the Luxembourgish Emigration Helper

6. Albert Nussbaum: the Luxembourgish Emigration Helper

Albert Nussbaum was born on 4 February 1898 in Monneren, near Thionville. Shortly after his birth, the family moved to Differdange, a small town in the south of Luxembourg, where his father Gustave Nu...

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7. Location of Luxembourg's Synagogue from 1823

7. Location of Luxembourg's Synagogue from 1823

In 1821, the Jewish community in Luxembourg City acquired a house in Rue du Séminaire, where they established a Synagogue. In 1823, the Synagogue was inaugurated and run by Pinhas Godchaux. It had a c...

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8. Kaddish Monument

8. Kaddish Monument

The Luxembourg Memorial for Shoah victims was inaugurated on 17 June 2018, 75 years after the last deportation of Jews from Luxembourg to the East. It commemorates the persecution, deportation and mur...

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Important information

Audio guide

With the help of an audio guide, the two-hour Shoah Memorial Trail in Luxembourg City offers an insight into the wiping out of Jewish life in Luxembourg by Nazi Germany.

Audio guide
Shoah Memorial Trail in Luxembourg City