Caribbean dinner salsa bachata party

Join us to celebrate the end of the year during our salsa bachata dance with dinner event.

The event will take place at Qosqo Restaurant, which offers a warm and festive atmosphere with its Mexican specialties.

Come and share a delicious dinner with us, followed by a dance party where you will show your talents and enjoy Caribbean music.

Tapas plate consisting of:

– Chicken wings

– Pulled pork empanada

– Onion rings

– Baby calamari

Main course options:

– Beef burrito

– Chicken burrito

– Shrimp burrito

– Salmon burrito

Accompanied by your choice of Twister potatoes, Fiesta quinoa, Arroz duo, or Green salad.


– Mikado cup

– Strawberry cup

– Iced coffee


– 1 Mojito cocktail with/without alcohol, choice of lemon/strawberry

– 1/2 Vittel or 1/2 San Pellegrino

– 1 coffee or espresso


QoSQo Restaurant Kirchberg

45, Avenue JF Kennedy

L-1855 Kirchberg Luxembourg


July 20, 2024


From 7:00 PM to 12:00 AM

Nützliche Informationen


Restaurant Qosqo Kirchberg
+352 28 99 55 55 22 45, avenue JF Kennedy
L-1855 Kirchberg


End of year dinner dance party the 20th of July, Repas dansant de fin d'année du 20 Juillet 65 €




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