Neimenster Abbey

Dernière modification le 17/04/2023 par Aurelie Faber

Aurelie Faber

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Neimenster Abbey was built in 1606 and later became a prison. One of its best-known prisoners (for political resistance to the Nazi occupation of Luxembourg) was the Luxembourgish sculptor Lucien Wercollier. The cloister in the abbey, offering a beautiful view of its garden, was named after him and you will still find his sculptures as a permanent exhibition in the abbey. Today, Neimenster offers a large range of events:  open-air concerts during the summer, classic and jazz concerts, exhibitions, seminars, theatre, movie/documentary projections, and even Minimenster, a program dedicated to kids. Every year, the abbey participates in the Luxembourg science festival, Luxembourg city film festival and Blues'n Jazz Rallye. Personally, I love the open-air concerts above all, hearing some beautiful music while being in the courtyard of the abbey, surrounded by the illuminated walls of the fortress, the rocks with their tunnels, and the Alzette river, producing a unique sound and atmosphere. At the reception, you can find some nice postcards made by Luxembourgish artists, some liquors and honey from Luxembourg. The very fancy Brasserie Abtei, freshly renovated, offers delicious daily lunch menu, and a dinner menu with typical Luxembourgish dishes but also more exotic Thai food.

Informations pratiques


28, rue Münster,




10:00 - 18:00 daily