A Model

A Model: Prelude — Rayyane Tabet. Trilogy, from 01.12.2023 to 12.05.2024

A Model, from 09.02 to 08.09.2024

A Model: Epilogue — Jason Dodge, from April 2024 to 08.09.2024

The focal exhibition of Mudam’s 2024 programme, A Model interrogates the role of museums at the start of the twenty-first century. The exhibition affirms the need to conceive of the museum as an animated space, one that is open to the world and engaged in its contemporary debates. Ten international artists have been invited to create a new installation, often in dialogue with a selection of works from the Mudam Collection. The exhibition’s title is inspired by the artist and activist Palle Nielsen’s project The Model – A Model for a Qualitative Society (1968), which consisted of transforming the Moderna Museet, Stockholm, into a playground for children.

Useful information


Mudam Luxembourg – Musée d'Art Moderne Grand-Duc Jean
3 Park Dräi Eechelen


Erwachsene, Adults, Adultes 10 €
Mittowch 18h00–21h00, Wednesday 18h00–21h00, Mercredi 18h00–21h00 0 €
– 26 Jahre, Gruppen (Min. 15 Personen), – 26 years & groups (min. 15 persons), – 26 ans & groupes (min. 15 personnes) 7 €
Kulturpass, Kulturpass, Kulturpass 0 €
– 21 Jahre, – 21 years, – 21 ans 0 €
Studierende – 26 Jahre, Students – 26 years, Étudiant·e·s – 26 years 0 €


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