Discover the modern sculptures and the contemporary architecture of a futuristic part of the city.
Did you know that the Kirchberg Plateau, the 24th district of Luxembourg City, was still an agricultural area barely 60 years ago? Learn more about the district’s rapid development and discover the contemporary architecture designed by award-winning star architects as well as the many works of art that can be found all across the district. With more than 7000 new homes in development pipeline, public parks and gardens have recently been added to liven up this modern district. The Kirchberg Plateau is also home to many cultural and sport institutions, such as the Philharmonie, the Musée d’Art Moderne Grand-Duc Jean (MUDAM), the Musée Dräi Eechelen as well as the Coque, National Sports and Cultural Centre.
Points of interest on the map
Points of interest
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Place de l'Europe
The triangular area of the Place de l'Europe (which was previously an open-air car park at the foot of the Alcide De Gasperi tower building) was designed by the Catalan architect Ricardo Bofill in 200...

EU Parliament in Luxembourg City
The Konrad Adenauer building in Kirchberg houses the European Parliament's General Secretariat, which is responsible for coordinating legislative work and organising plenary sessions and other meeting...

EU Commission
The European Commission is also known as the engine of the EU.All proposals for laws, political action or programmes are made by the Commission. As "Guardian of the Treaties" it ensures, together with...

European Investment Bank in Luxembourg City
The European Investment Bank (EIB), the banking institution of the European Union for long-term investments, has been founded in 1957 by the Treaties of Rome. The building is the work of the English a...

MUDAM-Museum of Modern Art Grand-Duc Jean
Famous architect I.M. Pei chose the historic site of the Fort Thüngen for the construction of the Musée d'Art Moderne Grand-Duc Jean (Mudam).Mudam, located on the Kirchberg-Plateau, between the Place ...

Philharmonie Luxembourg
Designed by French architect Christian de Portzamparc, the Philharmonie (Salle de Concerts Grande-Duchesse Joséphine- Charlotte) is the new landmark of the Place de l’Europe.Its columns encompass thre...

In 1982, the olympic swimming pool opened its doors. The striking shell-shaped roofline is reminiscent of a seashell, and is made of spans of pre-stressed concrete.The architect Roger Taillibert (1926...
Important information
An extension to a 3 hour tour is possible.
2 hours
Number of participants
Max. 20
Start & Arrival
Luxembourg City Tourist Office, Place Guillaume II
Book your personal guide:
Group from 1 to 20 people | 120€ |
Book a guided tour for your group at the date, time and in the language of your choice. Please book at least 10 working days in advance.