Adventure tour for children and families
Immerse yourself in the “urban jungle” and discover the numerous animals that are hidden all across the city centre. Accompanied by an official guide, you will get to know, among many others, William II’s horse and the two lions in front of the City Hall, and learn more about their fascinating stories. This adventure combines the past and the future in a playful way. An original 2-hour tour for children and families!
Tip: The tour can be combined with a visit to the “Naturmusée” where more animals await you.
Points of interest on the map
Points of interest
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Equestrian Statue of William II
Among the famous statues in Luxembourg-City, this bronze statue was set up on William Square to pay tribute to the King and Grand Duke William II of Nassau-Orange.He ruled from 1840 to 1849 and, one y...

Town Hall
Located on William Square, it was built between 1830 and 1838 in neo-classical style. The stones of the old Franciscan monastery, dismantled in 1829, mainly went into its construction. In 1931 two bro...

Grand Ducal Palace
The grand ducal Palace, located in the centre of the old town, is the official residence of the grand ducal family. The site of today’s palace was once home to Luxembourg City’s first town hall w...

Place d'Armes
As an integral part of the pedestrian zone, surrounded by lots of street cafés and restaurants, it has become the place where the young and the old, the locals and the visitors meet.Place d'Armes, als...

The ancient church Saint Nicholas and its cemetery were removed in 1778 and the correspondant parish were relocated to the former Jesuit Church.Today's building was constructed from 1858-1859 under th...

Place de Clairefontaine
Situated near the Cathedral and the Government district, Place de Clairefontaine was redesigned at the end of the eighties in the framework of extensive restoration and reconstruction involving the en...

William Square
Since the middle of the 13th century, this square, named after William II, King of the Netherlands and Grand Duke of Luxembourg, has accommodated the church and the monastery of the order of Saint Fra...
Important information
2 hours
Number of participants
Max. 20
Start & Arrival
Luxembourg City Tourist Office, Place Guillaume II
Book your personal guide:
Group from 1 to 20 people | 120€ |
Book a guided tour for your group at the date, time and in the language of your choice. Please book at least 10 working days in advance.