Passerelle des Arts
Passerelle des Arts
The new pedestrian and cycle bridge in the European district of the Kirchberg plateau crosses the Trois Glands state forest. It connects the contemporary urban development of the Kirchberg plateau and the Rout Bréck-Pafendall interchange with the Musée d'Art Moderne Grand-Duc Jean (Mudam) and the Musée Dräi Eechelen. The aim is to increase the visibility and visitor numbers of the site.
Main features
Length of structure: 87 m
Variable width: 3 - 3.5 m
Maximum span: 28 m
Number of piers: 3
Maximum height: ≈ 12 m
Variable caisson height: 60 - 90 cm
The layout of the structure in plan and elevation is designed to preserve as many existing trees as possible. The limited number of piers reduces the impact of the structure on the forest and clearing. Duplex stainless steel was chosen for its high mechanical properties, weather resistance and durability. The deck sections are bolted together from the outer faces of the caissons, but are invisible from the traffic side, so as to preserve the visual continuity of the structure. The stainless steel surface is given an impeccable finish by mirror-polishing on the outside and bead-blasting on the inside. All equipment is also in stainless steel, to give the structure extreme technical and material coherence. Glass balustrades anchored to the edge of the metal caisson maintain visibility along the route, as well as transparency towards the superstructure.