The Limits of Control (Jim Jarmusch)
The Limits of Control (Jim Jarmusch)
The Limits of Control
USA 2009 | Jim Jarmusch | vostDE | 116’ | 35mm | Cast : Isaach de Bankolé, Paz de la Huerta, Tilda Swinton, Bill Murray, John Hurt
A mysterious stranger works outside the law and keeps his objectives hidden, trusting no one. While his demeanour is paradoxically focused and dreamlike all at once, he embarks on a journey that not only takes him across Spain but also through his own consciousness.
« A little like guided meditation with suggestions floated, waiting, left untethered. It's up to you to distill meaning -- which will leave some convinced the director is merely self-indulgent, and others deeply satisfied. » (Los Angeles Times).
Useful information
Monday 17.02.2025
- 22H15
Tarif plein | 3.7 € |
Tarif réduit | 2.4 € |
Kulturpass | 1.5 € |
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