The Blue Star (Festival du Cinéma Espagnol)

Festival du Cinéma Espagnol.

The Blue Star

La estrella azul From ECHO.luEspagne-Argentine 2024 | Javier Macipe | vostEN | 129’ | digital | Cast : León Froilán Carabajal, Pepe Lorente, Pablo Álvarez

► San Sebastián International Film Festival 2023; Mar del Plata International Film Festival

► 7 nominations, Goya Awards 2025


In the 1990s, Spanish rocker Mauricio Aznar leaves his band and wanders around Latin America, seeking to rediscover his musical vocation. He becomes acquainted with folk genres such as the chacarera and teams up with veteran musicians.

Avant-programme : Hold for Applause Esperen al aplauso Espagne 2020 | Gerald B. Fillmore | 6’

Useful information


Cinémathèque de la Ville de Luxembourg
17 Place du Théâtre
L-2613 Luxembourg


Tarif plein 3.7 €
Tarif réduit 2.4 €
Kulturpass 1.5 €


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