Tardes de soledad (LUXFILMFEST)


Albert SERRA, 125 min, 2024 - France, Spain

Across a sequence of afternoons, the young Peruvian matador Andrés Roca Rey engages in a solitary life-and-death dance with a bull. Delicately clad in the traditional embroidered suit, Rey subdues his opponents through a tightly choreographed yet improvisational performance which lays bare the graphic nature of one of Southern Europe’s most controversial practices. With calculated precision, Serra has forged an unflinching meditation that cuts through the ornament and ritual of the bullfight to raise questions about the very nature of existence. A ferocious and haunting documentary whose formal rigour both offsets and focuses the challenging nature of its subject matter.

From ECHO.lu

Useful information


Ciné Utopia
16 Avenue de la Faiencerie
L-1510 Luxembourg


Ticket 9.5 €
Tarif réduit / Discount 7 €
Kulturpass 1.5 €


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