Smell of Burnt Milk (LUXFILMFEST)


Justine BAUER, 79 min, 2024 - Germany


Against the backdrop of an idyllic German summer, a young farmer named Katinka harbors ambitions of holding onto her family’s farm. Yet her dream is challenged by the realities of modern agriculture, a sector beleaguered by economic hardships and ongoing decline. Unique for its focus on the plight of young women farmers, Smell of Burnt Milk charts a distinctive path by toying with documentary conventions to create a portrayal of rural life which, though fictional, comes across as both authentic and improvised. Its lyrical and languid visuals belie the family’s uncertain and unstable future in agriculture.

Useful information


Cinémathèque de la Ville de Luxembourg
17 Place du Théâtre
L-2613 Luxembourg


Ticket 9.5 €
Tarif réduit / Discount 7 €
Kulturpass 1.5 €


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