Laura CARREIRA, 104 min, 2024 - United Kingdom, Portugal
Originally from Portugal and now living in Edinburgh, Aurora works as an order picker in a huge warehouse. Each evening, she returns to her shared flat, where her roommates live on different schedules, and to the alienating solitude of her room. But one day at lunch in the cafeteria, she meets another isolated employee. Through a repetition of sequenced events in the style of Groundhog Day, On Falling expertly reveals its titular agenda: to depict, with astonishing accuracy, the downfall of a heroine crushed by an inhumane system that feeds on a workforce which came to Northern Europe in search of a better lifeFrom ECHO.lu.

Useful information


Ciné Utopia
16 Avenue de la Faiencerie
L-1510 Luxembourg


Ticket 9.5 €
Tarif réduit / Discount 7 €
Kulturpass 1.5 €


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