Conference: "Animals do talk - Let's listen to them" (FR)

The crocodile wriggles, the cricket cackles, the hyena laughs, the titmouse zigzags, the grasshopper crawls... But what are these sounds hiding? Can we unravel their mysteries? What do animals have to tell each other, and how do they use these ‘languages’ to express their emotions, choose a partner, cunningly deceive others, find out who is dominant and who is submissive, mark their territory or call for help?

Speaker: Professor Nicolas Mathevon

Nicolas Mathevon is a biologist specialising in animal acoustic communication. Professor at the University of Saint-Etienne, senior member of the Institut Universitaire de France, Director of Studies at the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes - PSL, and explorer for the National Geographic Society, he heads a research team specialising in bioacoustics (, CNRS, Inserm).

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Musée national d'histoire naturelle - 'natur musée'
25 rue Münster



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