
From ECHO.lu

L’Impératrice is back with “ Me Da Igual “ on March 7th 2024. Me Da Igual, three words in Spanish that roll off the tongue, perfect title for a track of heightened sensuality. A song where the bends of the bass are enhanced by a snazzy guitar. A call to free ourselves from the injunctions to please at all costs, to be beautiful, perfect, streamlined. And to reclaim your body by abandoning yourself to the euphoria of dance, listening to the slightest sensations that movement and sound provide. An invitation to tune in, above all, to the rhythm of your own pulse. With this first single, we can feel the intensity of the clubs & the sleepless nights, of strobes & disco balls, afterimages forever imprinted in our bodies and our minds. The glimmers of the French Touch, that lit up the world of pop and electro with virtuosity and elegance and made L’Impératrice dance during its adolescence. It is that glow that carries today the sound of L’Impératrice, like a momentum. Three years ago, Tako Tsubo, a dissection of a heart tossed by its emotions, took the band around the world. Mexico, United States, Europe … By confronting other languages, other perspectives and territories, L’Impératrice reinforces its own, and definitively breaks down its borders.


Informations pratiques


den Atelier
rue de Hollerich 54


General Admission 38.9 €


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