This public washhouse built in 1931 is fed by the spring from the Theiwesbur on the left of the church. In 2016 the washhouse was refurbished, the concrete slab that covered it was removed and it turned into a foot bath “Kneipp-Bad” to the delight of people in the warmer months. It has become a space for meeting and exchange. Pit Weyer, a graphic artist, designed the railing around the washhouse and reproduced the local colour of the area with washerwomen, laundry, geese and a kid playing with a boat. When Luxembourgers see the Theiwesbur, they immediately start humming a popular song by Fritz Weimerskirch “d'Lidd vum Theiwesbur”:
„Kanner o Kanner o quel malheur,
Mir mussen aus der ,Rue des Fleurs‘,
Wéi ass dat mënschenméiglich nur,
mir musse fort vum Théiwesbuer“