Fat Freddy's Drop

Fat Freddy’s Drop is widely acclaimed as one of the world’s premier live attractions. This seven-piece band has progressed from the origins of radiant sunshine reggae, maneuvered through a vivid terrain of soulful psychedelia, and abruptly shifted onto a desolate Detroit superhighway at night. Their euphoric essence demands to be witnessed live—a compelling blend of jazz expertise and visceral, chest-thumping digital sonic waves. Fat Freddy’s Drop : DJ Fitchie aka Chris Faiumu – MPC, Live Mix, Producer, Joe Dukie aka Dallas Tamaira - Vocals & Guitar, Chopper Reeds aka Scott Towers - Saxophone, Tony Chang aka Toby Laing – Trumpet, Kuki Blaze aka Iain Gordon – Keyboard & Synths, Hopepa aka Joe Lindsay - Trombone, Tuba, Ned Ngatae aka ManRaro – Guitar & MC Slave aka Mark Williams – MC.

Informations pratiques


den Atelier
rue de Hollerich 54


General Admission 48.8 €


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