Opening: loop #31 - Uncycle

Zohra Mrad (TU/LU)

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Uncycle is an interactive and generative video installation that questions determinisms, habits and resilience. Over time, the visual loops evolve, react, interrupt and alter during unusual events. The movements and noises detected in the room influence the transformation of the work in real time and in the long term. Uncycle highlights the ability of each person to break cycles and accept their impact on collective issues.

  • Genres: Loop & Generative Videoinstallation
  • Ort: Buvette
  • .
  • Zusätzliche Informationen: The installation will be on display Sat 28.09.24 – Sun 12.01.25 during the Buvette's opening hoursFrom>More info about the installation
  • Programm: >18:00-22:00 DJ Set: His Fable

Nützliche Informationen


3 place des Rotondes


Vernissage : loop #31 - Uncycle 0 €


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