2000s Party

From ECHO.lu

Oops! We do It Again…after several months of waiting , it’s time to have a Beautiful Day by finally celebrating the 2000s! Make sure to bring your Seven Nation Army, and as this party is a Family Affair you can also bring your uncle, cousins and grandparents (as long as they are over 21 years of age). But please, leave your 99 Problems and Umbrella at home. Dresscode: Back To Black is always classy, but this decade is hellofalotta fun so you better put your Pokerface on, or even better show us your inner and outter Mr. Brightside! And don’t forget, there is only one rule In Da Club: Hips Don’t Lie! Bye Bye Bye and see you on September 28th!


Nützliche Informationen


den Atelier
rue de Hollerich 54


Normalpreis, Full price, Tarif normal 22.4 €


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